Stick Horse Rodeo & Chili Cookoff

March 4, 2023


March 4, 2023
9:00 am


It’s not Branch Volunteer Fire Department’s first rodeo… It’s their second! This spectacular and unique fundraiser will be fun for the entire family.
$5.00 entry for all 3 and older at the door (includes entry for children under 17 into rodeo events)
$20.00 cook off entry fee for teams of 3
$5.00 entry for beer goggle barrel racing for 18 an older participants
Call 337-334-7466 or message Branch Volunteer Fire Depatment on Facebook.
All events award 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place
Rodeo events ages 4-9 (3 and under welcome to participate)
Pole bending
Steer roping
Barrel racing
Bull riding
Boot scramble
Buddy barrel(w/parent or BVFD volunteer)
Custom stick horse contest
Western wear contest
(Ties to be broken with head to head chuck wagon race)
*Over all girl and boy custom buckle awarded*
10-17 age group (events entered as teams of 2)
Team roping
Team racing
Chuck wagon relay
Buddy barrel relay
Team steeple chase
Team obstacle course
Western wear contest
Custom horse contest
*Custom team buckle awarded*
3 and under
Mutton busting
(Free style event)
18 and over (no alcohol required)
Beer goggle barrel racing- *Custom buckle awarded to best time for female and best time for male
Arrest warrants ready to issue all day at the event and anyone unable to pay bail could be entered into ANY RODEO EVENT!
Tasters choice awarded for cookoff winner
1st, 2nd, 3rd place overall cookoff winner
1st, 2nd, 3rd place Fire Department cookoff winner
Best booth decorated winner awarded
Price - $5
Group Friendly - yes